- Will Mr and Mrs Pitt be there? Yes, they will. 皮特先生和夫人将在那里吗?
- Will Mr and Mrs Pitt be there? 皮特先生和夫人将在那里吗?
- Mr and Mrs Hill are such good hosts. 希尔先生和夫人招待客人真周到。
- Give my regards to Mr and Mrs Jones and family. 代我向琼斯夫妇及其子女问好.
- Please give Mr and Mrs Eliot my best wishes. 请向艾略特先生和夫人致意。
- Mr Smith and Mrs Jones and three other teachers were there. 史密斯先生和琼斯太太以及另外三位老师都在那儿。
- What soup would you like to have,Mr and Mrs Green? 格林先生,格林太太,您要什么汤?
- Who is the grandson of Mr and Mrs White? 怀特先生和太太的孙子是谁?
- Mr Harris and Mrs Bate and three other teachers were there. 哈里斯老师、贝特老师和其他三位老师在场。
- I addressed it to Mr and Mrs Jones and family. 我以此致琼斯伉俪及子女。
- Good afternoon, Mr and Mrs White. 下午好,white先生,white太太。
- Mr and Mrs Kay have gone to live in the country. 凯先生夫妇已经搬到农村去住了。
- What soup would you like to have, Mr and Mrs Green? 格林先生,格林太太,您要什么汤?
- Mr and Mrs Jones have three daughters. 琼斯先生和太太有三个女儿。
- Mr and Mrs Shute had a daughter called Jane. 舒特夫妇有个女儿,名字叫简。
- We all join with Mr and Mrs Johnson in their sorrow. 我们都和约翰逊夫妇一样悲痛。
- At the birth of Shiloh Nouvel Jolie-Pitt, Pitt was there to cut her umbilical cord. 而当女儿希洛出生时,皮特一直守候在产房,亲自为女儿剪断脐带。
- I don't imagine Mr and Mrs Black will come here if it rains heavily. 我想,如果下大雨,布兰克夫妇将不会来这儿。
- Mr and Mrs Tang went the whole journey in a small buggy, with their child riding bodkin. 唐先生和唐太太一路上乘坐一辆轻型马车,让孩子挤坐在他俩中间。
- No, we didn't, because Mr and Mrs Turner came to see you. 不,没有,因为特纳夫妇来看你了。